EFQM Anerkennungen 2023

IMS International Management School Geneva

Validated by EFQM

Fachstelle für Schulbeurteilung, BD ZH

Recognised by EFQM

Art Deco Hotel Montana

Recognised by EFQM

Klinik St. Katharinental

Recognised by EFQM

Adullam Spital und Pflegezentren

Recognised by EFQM

Supportleistungen Verteidigung (SL V)

Recognised by EFQM

Klinik Adelheid

Qualified by EFQM

Berufsbildungszentrum Olten

Qualified by EFQM

Sanatorium Kilchberg AG

Recognised by EFQM

Medbase Gruppe

Validated by EFQM

EFQM Anerkennungen 2022

Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute

Recognised by EFQM

CKW Gebäudetechnik AG

Recognised by EFQM

Kanton Luzern, Dienststelle Berufs- und Weiterbildung

Recognised by EFQM

Centre logistique de l’armée Grolley

Recognised by EFQM

Klinik Lengg AG

Recognised by EFQM

Gebäudeversicherung Graubünden

Recognised by EFQM

Sozialberatung Inselspital Insel Gruppe AG

Validated by EFQM

Klinik Gut AG

Recognised by EFQM

Sinnovativ Stiftung für soziale Innovation

Validated by EFQM

PZM Psychiatriezentrum Münsingen AG

Recognised by EFQM

FernUni Schweiz

Qualified by EFQM

Stiftung YOU COUNT

Validated by EFQM

PERSPEKTIVE Region Solothurn-Grenchen

Qualified by EFQM

Barmelweid Gruppe AG

Recognised by EFQM

obvita Ostschweizerischer Blindenfürsorgeverein

Recognised by EFQM

ask! Beratungsdienste für Ausbildung und Beruf

Recognised by EFQM

Unia Arbeitslosenkasse

Recognised by EFQM

Gewerbliche Berufsschule Wetzikon

Qualified by EFQM

Schützen Rheinfelden AG

Recognised by EFQM

Clinique de La Source

Recognised by EFQM

VBW Verein für Betreutes Wohnen in Liechtenstein

Validated by EFQM

Careum AG Bildungszentrum für Gesundheitsberufe

Recognised by EFQM

EFQM Anerkennungen 2021

Universitätsspital Zürich Direktion Immobilien und Betrieb

Recognised by EFQM

Zahnarztpraxis Müller und Weidmann

Qualified by EFQM

Klinik Selhofen

Validated by EFQM

Clinica Holistica Engiadina SA

Recognised by EFQM

Zentrum Psychiatrische Rehabilitation (ZPR)

Recognised by EFQM

Bethesda Spital AG

Recognised by EFQM

Berner Reha Zentrum AG

Recognised by EFQM

Clienia AG, Privatklinikgruppe

Recognised by EFQM

St.Gallische Psychiatrie Dienste Süd

Recognised by EFQM

Armeelogistikcenter Thun

Recognised by EFQM

Armeelogistikcenter Othmarsingen

Recognised by EFQM

Rehazentrum Valens. Rehabilitation. Kliniken Valens.

Recognised by EFQM

Clinic Bad Ragaz. Rehabilitation. Kliniken Valens.

Qualified by EFQM

Reha Rheinfelden

Recognised by EFQM

Privatklinik Hohenegg AG

Recognised by EFQM

Eidgenössisches Hochschulinstitut für Berufsbildung EHB

Qualified by EFQM

Rehazentrum Walenstadtberg

Recognised by EFQM

Hotel Lenkerhof AG

Recognised by EFQM

REHAB Basel Klinik für Neurorehabilitation und Paraplegiologie

Qualified by EFQM


Qualified by EFQM

Akademie-media GmbH Standorte in Österreich, Deutschland und Schweiz. Standort der organisatorischen Abwicklung: 8020 Graz

Validated by EFQM

EFQM Anerkennungen 2020

Centro logistico dell’esercito Monteceneri (CLEs-M)

Recognised for Excellence

Rheinburg-Klinik Walzenhausen Rehabilitation.
Kliniken Valens.

Recognised by EFQM

Klinik Meissenberg AG

Committed to Excellence

YWAM Olten

Committed to Excellence

Bad Schinznach AG

Recognised for Excellence

Intep – Integrale Planung GmbH

Recognised by EFQM

Medbase Bern Bahnhof

Validated by EFQM

Spital Schwyz

Qualified by EFQM

Thermalbad Zurzach Betriebs AG

Committed to Excellence

Oberwaid AG

Recognised for Excellence

Supportleistungen Verteidigung

Committed to Excellence

Armeelogistikcenter Hinwil

Committed to Excellence

Ruch Metallbau AG

Recognised for Excellence

Service communal de la sécurité

Committed to Excellence

Art Deco Hotel MONTANA

Recognised for Excellence

Stiftung Rotonda

Committed to Excellence

Logistikbasis der Armee (LBA), Hauptquartier (HQ)

Committed to Excellence

FSP Föderation der Schweizer Psychologinnen und Psychologen

Committed to Excellence

MRI Zürich

Recognised for Excellence

OdA Gesundheit Soziales SG AR AI FL

Recognised for Excellence

aarReha Schinznach

Recognised for Excellence

Klinik Gut AG

Recognised for Excellence


Committed to Excellence

EFQM Anerkennungen 2019

AFC Air Flow Consulting AG

Recognised for Excellence

Rentes Genevoises

Committed to Excellence

Verkehrsbetriebe Zürich, Unternehmensbereich Technik

Committed to Excellence

UPK Universitäre Psychiatrische Kliniken

Recognised for Excellence

Psychiatrische Dienste Aargau AG

Recognised for Excellence

Medbase Gruppe

Committed to Excellence

Armeelogistikcenter Othmarsingen

Committed to Excellence

Centre logistique de l’armée Grolley

Recognised for Excellence

Swiss Tropical and Public health Institute, Swiss TPH

Committed to Excellence

Sunneziel Meggen

Committed to Excellence

Clienia Bergheim AG

Recognised for Excellence

European Broadcasting Union (EBU)

Recognised for Excellence

Inselspital, Sozial- und Austrittsberatung

Committed to Excellence

Adullam Spital und Pflegezentren

Committed to Excellence

Klinik Adelheid AG

Committed to Excellence

Klinik Lengg

Committed to Excellence

Berufsbildungszentrum BBZ Olten

Committed to Excellence

Dienststelle Volksschulbildung Kanton Luzern

Recognised for Excellence

Rehaklinik Dussnang AG

Recognised for Excellence

Tamedia AG, Verlagsdienstleistungen Druck & Logistik

Recognised for Excellence

die rodtegg – Stiftung für Menschen mit körperlicher Behinderung

Recognised for Excellence


Recognised for Excellence

IVP NMS – Institut Vorschulstufe und Primarstufe NMS Bern

Committed to Excellence

Schützen Rheinfelden AG

Recognised for Excellence

Regionales Seniorenzentrum Solino

Committed to Excellence

Stiftung YOU COUNT

Committed to Excellence

Sanatorium Kilchberg AG

Committed to Excellence

Congress Hotel Seepark

Committed to Excellence

Höhere Kaderausbildung der Armee (HKA)

Recognised for Excellence

Service des Ressources Humaines République et Canton du Jura

Recognised for Excellence

Unia Arbeitslosenkasse

Committed to Excellence


Recognised for Excellence

CKW Gebäudetechnik

Recognised for Excellence

Integrierte Psychiatrie Winterthur – Zürcher Unterland ipw

Committed to Excellence

Theresianum Ingenbohl

Committed to Excellence

Universitätsspital Basel

Committed to Excellence

Wohn- und Pflegezentrum BRÜNNLIACKER

Committed to Excellence


EFQM Excellence Award Prize Winner